Monday, February 3, 2014

catching up with old girlfriends

Last week one of my favorite Marys was in town from London.  She usually comes in at least once a year for work and extends it for a little vacation.  Every single time I see her, it's like no time has passed. 

We got quality time over dinners at Osteria Mozza and Katsuya and it was so amazing seeing her with Amelia. 

I met Eleanor over ten years ago when we were both working at Disney.  (I seriously think I've met almost all of my girlfriends -- and husband -- there.)  We were single together in LA for years and spent so many nights/days analyzing boys, watching Sex and the City, shopping, going out, having brunch and going on Sunday walks at the beach.  We did almost everything together.  I was devastated when she moved.

Now, we're both grown up and while we have an entirely different range of topics to discuss, it still feels exactly the same.  I just wish she would hurry up and move back already!

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